Pretty much where we’re at:

Even normies like Ace are noticing:
This city, and all the others, are still part of America. Or are they? Or to put it more bluntly does America even exist anymore? As Johnny Carson once quipped, “after you die, while your hair and fingernails continue to grow, phone calls gradually taper off.” Yes, there is this illusion, even in the midst of this nightmare, that we’re still here and still doing our daily routine as we always have, the lockdown bullshit notwithstanding. But everything, every part of our culture, every institution, everything that we do, say and feel that was always instinctive and ubiquitous is at best being questioned and at worst, attacked and dismantled.
A big hang-up on the right is the supposed hypocrisy within the government. For a microscopic instance (really, one among millions) at a local Chunk E Cheese some of the local rabble (I’ll let you fill in the blank) caused a riot over a malfunctioning photo booth. One of the accused was sentenced to two years in jail (very doubtful that term was served in full) and the other three got off with fines (I recall one of them being fined $50 for beating one of the employees, a young white girl). “What if the races were reversed?!” says the ‘normie’.
This highlights the big issue: the system of law and order and the government in general is not run by our own people, it’s run by people who hate us. It’s not “hypocrisy” as our rulers are making rulings that are consistent within the views of their own tribe clan. The people who have hijacked our institutions are milking the last bits of legacy respect from them in an effort to completely eliminate the corpse of the old order that many continue to fool themselves still lives. As a commentator elsewhere said, “They are helping to bring into focus who is doing what to whom and putting an end to flights of fancy about the success of the American experiment. State sanctioned and state protected riots and looting are not rebellion. It is how a cloistered and pampered elite use the refuse of our civilization as a show of their atrophied muscle.“
The system as it is though is very much dependent on the “legacy population” maintaining their respect for the legacy institutions. Whites (and some Asians and Hispanics) are really the only ones in the country who ever had any respect (deference) for the court system and the laws in general. Why do anti-abortion Muslims vote for pro-abortion candidates? Because that’s not something they do, such policies have zero impact on them. Why do Mexicans not care about gun control? Because they’ll ignore the law anyway as they know if they pay attention to it the results will be the same. Why do so many people who defraud the government medical programs have “exotic” names? Because, it’s not their ‘system’.
And really, it’s not ours either. At one point in time it was our system and despite it’s many flaws it worked well in the service of all Americans, but our altruism made it (and other institutions) susceptible to infiltration. Our legislators aren’t “ours”*, our courts aren’t “ours”, our police forces certainly are not “ours” and the armed services haven’t served as protection for their nation since a year or so after 9/11. When conservatives complain about anti-Americanism they’re referring to the hatred people have of an America as it exists in their mind. Yes, if I put the commentators at Powerline to the press they would, with their dying breath, still say that this has nothing to do with race, but who else has nostalgia for old America? Who are the only people that are having their statues removed? Who are the only people expected to grovel on their knees to the new ruling theology?
White Leftists suffer from a similar delusion, in their quest to defeat their political enemies they went along with using the immigration system to pack the ballot box; but instead of getting their Scandinavian socialist dream they’ll get a third world morass that they themselves spend incredible amounts of energy and money trying to avoid. For example, this post discussing a talking head show in Mexico illustrates the point: two Jews and two WASPs discussing how great they personally have it while gloating about how miserable they’ve made everyone else. Is that the dream of the white American left? A group of incompetent elites covered in a can of quick-tan living high on the hog while the rest of the country suffers from horrific levels of criminal violence? Wasn’t their dream just the “old America”, the same one remembered by conservatives, but with government paid healthcare and college? Somewhere in their empty heart, below where their self-loathing lives, they have to realize that having their neighborhood razed, hiding in constant fear, and living under the boot of a corporate elite in exchange for getting nothing in return may not have been the best deal.
All academic at this point I suppose, it’s all over but the burial. What replaces it though, I don’t know, and no one else knows either. It’s a unique time in the history of the nation-of the world really. By all measures it should end up worse, but it doesn’t have to. If we remember what it actually takes to make a nation we will be better off, because what we think makes up a nation now…that’s obviously not it. An unrepresentative empire? Maybe, but not a nation. There’s a reason American Indian tribes refer to themselves as a “nation”.
*Your mileage will vary greatly here. State legislatures can be hit and miss (Ohio is mostly good at the moment). Local town councils can be disconnected in a way that can be hard to control (they mostly seem to answer to developers, old people, developers, screeching harpies, and developers) so their disconnect can be even more jarring than that of a Federal mandarin since their influence is more outsized. However, that’s where the focus needs to be. If local law and order can be conditioned to flaunt the Imperial demons we’ll be better off for it.