In all this, is someone pitching a solution to black criminality; I mean, one that hasn’t already been tried multiple times in the last 60 years? How about low black test scores? Is there some new midnight basketball plan (perhaps 10pm basketball) that will cure the ills?
This is all so tiresome, but apparently clueless whites just can’t give up their guilt complex, some sort of…unholy twisted version of Christianity where they can genuflect to the un-nobel savage as a way to show their piety (well to be fair, unfortunately that’s not all that different from much of Christianity today). No, it’s about tearing themselves down, not about lifting anyone up. It’s about making sure their sons and husbands are unable to find work, that their wives and sisters cannot walk the streets safely, and that they are taxed for mistakes in which they played no part. And, mind you, this is the same group of people who, if they went to look at a new house and it turned out to be in a black neighborhood, would turn around and go the other way (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s natural to want to live around people more like yourself than not, right?).
At this point, why should I care? I don’t owe them anything and to say that I do is just an insult on my character that I’ve somehow made them less than whole by my very existence. That’s…incredibly evil, and not worthy of any consideration except perhaps hatred for the hater.
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