This does remind me of how people on the right use the “dems r da reel rassists” line. It’s misapplied almost all the time when I see it because people on the right will trot it out when liberals implement a policy that they disagree with, but it’s not entirely without merit. The worst racists (like, actual racists) I’ve known in my life have been white liberals and a lot of the current noise has the sound of “doth protest too much”, an effort to over-virtue signal publicly in an effort to disprove who they really are privately.
Just as an example (beyond the attached image), the white (hmm) people helping burn down black neighborhoods; that’s a level of low that wouldn’t occur to me in my darkest thoughts. Or how about Rahm Emanuel overseeing the slaughter of blacks in Chicago so that areas could be ethnically cleansed for his developer buddies? I was hard pressed to find one anonymous comment on fringe web sites that were in support of such a horrific policy and plenty against, but the virtue-signalers? Silence. They don’t even bother going through the “gun control” motions anymore to run interference for their vapid views.
I could go on, but “Many such examples!”, as a politician once said. I’m comfortable enough in my own skin because I want the best for black people [all people], but I’m honest enough to admit that it doesn’t have to involve me and perhaps too, I’d rather it not. To me that seems substantially less “racist” than thinking that other groups are some variation of pet that I should win over by feeding them snacks, but, I am perpetually behind the times I suppose.
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