One of the more distressing things about the whole Branch Covidian madness is how our not-cheap medical system has…taken liberties with all this nonsense. My link to the article below said “Learn how masks flatten the curve”. What? Remember when it was “four weeks” to flatten the curve, and then four months, and now (if OMB is re-elected) four years I suppose?

And then there’s this ditty: “researchers think you may not become as ill because your mask cuts down on the amount of virus that you’re exposed to”. Who are these “researchers”? Who “think” this…”maybe”? That’s some firm-squish there.
Note that a shred of honesty does come through in that masks, to the extent that they work at all, only perform a function with people who are already sick. In other words we have to make everyone where masks in case someone who is sick chooses to be irresponsible, even though the mask does nothing to resolve their irresponsibility. Healthcare theater all the way down, endorsed by America’s overpriced healthcare providers:
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