This Gab post brings up some interesting points, the chief of which is “what is to be the alternate worldview that should be used to combat the left?”.
Somewhat understated in the poster’s comment is the utter failure of American conservatism. To be fair, back when modern conservatism was born the nation was 85%-90% white and the stakes weren’t quite as high, but the end of the Cold War and the demographic tsunami diluted what was already a pretty weak sauce. From the post:
The Right’s negative energy is…”racism/sexism”. All the Right does is feed into that negative energy loop by constantly cowering from its central false premise, and refusing to challenge it at its heart.
The American political right has, built into it’s existence, complete surrender. How many articles from nominally conservative websites start with some boiler plate* along the lines of “yes, racism/sexism are evils we should combat, but-“, but nothing. All they’ve admitted to is that they are heretics, incomplete believers in the modern religious cult that rules the land. They cede all the points to the left, leaving the rest of their argument hollow.
And some of this is by design. The conservative think tanks of yore, long the only answer on the right to college indoctrination, are now owned by the indoctrinated. Outfits like Turning Points and whatever Ben Shapiro is doing run interference to rob dissidents of the oxygen needed to contest the reigning orthodoxy. Aging influencers like Rush Limbaugh and Thomas Sowell seem content to run the rest of their clock out while the memory of Old America still runs through their head. Against all that though, something new is needed, something different.
This “something different” starts with the flaws in the current religious doctrine of our rulers, namely, that it’s goals are unachievable and that salvation is impossible. For instance, I’ve asked adherents how tearing down statues will improve black test scores, or how reparations will lower black crime rates, and thus far the response is…nothing. It’s interesting since I suppose the excuses of poverty/colonialism/food deserts/etc. are a bit threadbare even to them. Again, from the post:
The Left’s negative energy is: “racism/sexism”.
Its positive energy is more ambiguous, but could be termed “social justice”.Equalism is the ideology that binds leftists together. Anti-White Hatred is the negative impulse that provides Leftism a polarizing target.
Hatred really isn’t a positive energy, especially when such equality, the equality of the ‘outputs’ not the ‘inputs’, cannot, and will not ever be achieved. So a new dynamic, a competing dynamic, needs to be brought to the fore to compete against this destructive, though doomed to fail, religious movement. Again, quoting Heartiste:
The Right’s positive energy is largely MIA, but should be “Trust and Cohesion”.
From that premise comes “Happiness with my own kind” and “Liberation to live as we see fit”.
Imagine not having to worry about our communities being broken up by a government diktat, being able to hire whoever you please in a business, and to have the business service whatever clientele that you might want, to have clubs made up of people like yourself. That is called “freedom of association”, something sacrilegious in the Church of the Evil Whitey.
Not to give the right a pass either. Many would rather the country end up in an open sewer of oppression (as well as an open sewer) before they’re held to some sort of community standard, such as by looking out for their own community instead of milking it for a buck; but I’ve been heartened as of late as those people grow fewer and fewer since even the most selfish libertarian zealot has no doubt begun to realize that the savages pawing through the loot of the dead Scrooge were not completely fictional.
Which proves that this message, one of community building blocks, is positive, and it has the advantage of being positive for everyone. The -isms and -phobias of the current age are not even sins; they are normal behavior, building blocks for healthy communities of people that look out for their families and those of their relations. These “sins” were developed with the expressed purpose of destroying those things and leaving a smoking crater in it’s wake. The current insanity which holds that family, community, “trust and cohesion” are evil things needs to be combated with something stronger than just slightly sugary takes on the left’s destructive ideology.
*This article suffers from the same concession of points that a lot of conservative commentary do, but I found it interesting that it’s not as bad as it could have been. This again makes the point that even normies are rolling out of their slumber to realize that they’re well on their way to being a ‘displaced person’.
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