A Cleveland man was arraigned this week on attempted murder, kidnapping, robbery and felonious assault charges for an assault on a Cleveland couple last year.
Last year being February ’09, better late than never though!
Ryan Miday, spokesman for the Cuyahoga County prosecutor’s office, said DNA from a jacket found at the scene of the assault led police to charge Rodney Lomax with the crime.
Ooops! The days of Gattica are upon us, or more specifically, him. Hopefully the criminally stupid will be righteously punished.
Miday said Lomax and another man broke into a Cleveland home in the middle of the night on Feb. 14, 2009.
When the resident, a 31-year-old woman, returned home around 2:30 a.m. the two intruders confronted her.
“They forced her upstairs, duct-taped her mouth and ankles and tied her to her bed. Her 37-year-old boyfriend got home, less than an hour later, and was confronted by the men.”
Miday said they put a gun to the man’s head and duct-taped his hands and feet and demanded money.
“They forced him on his knees in the bathroom next to the tub,” said Miday. “After filling the tub with water, they demanded more money and forced his head under water several times. When the boyfriend told them he had no more money, they struck him with a small bat. While this was going on, the female was raped.”
Miday said eventually the woman was brought in the bathroom where they poured rubbing alcohol on the man and set his socks on fire. The woman doused the fire as the two men fled with the money, stealing his car, which was later recovered.
Well if it were up to me I’d say a public disemboweling would be in order, what say the Cleveland courts?
Lomax was released on $100,000 bond.
No doubt after only posting $10,000; oh well, never mind. Make your own justice for ye shall get none, apparently.
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