My only real exposure to the legal system was sitting in a jury selection pool several years ago. At the time I was struck by how lackadaisical the whole thing was. Here they daily decide the fate of the people that have been swept up into it’s clutches and the court practitioners have all the sense of urgency of a cat who has found a window with sunlight streaming in through it. Show up late? Yup. Leave early? Oh yeah. One clear memory was that for the week I was called in for, the following Monday was a holiday (Columbus Day, natch) so the court just said “F’ it” halfway though Thursday and sent everyone home (thus ending my minimum five-day jury obligation after three and a half days).
This came back to mind as I half-follow Andrew Branca’s excellent coverage of the Derek Chauvin’s trial before a near kangaroo court in Minneapolis:

A two-hour long five minute break? No wonder the law schools are packed…