In 1995 the trial began for the killer of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. In the jury selection process state prosecutor Marcia Clark made a deal with star defender Jonnie Cochran: she got to pick female jurors while Cochran got to decide their race (black). Marcia’s thinking was that female solidarity with the victim would make the case a slam dunk. Needless to say, the killer walked free.
The lesson? I guess if one is able to learn lessons, they learned it, if not, well, I guess they post black blocks on their timeline or something. Optimistically it’s ignorance, somewhat less optimistically they’re groveling within their social circle to show their piety to the current paradigm holding them down, thus showing that they are “good marcias” deserving of their material goods; a tithe, if you would, for the lords who they let rule over them.
Pessimistically they actually believe such things, that the chain of civilization that brought them into existence is beyond salvage compared to that of others, that the culture that has brought so much to the world is too rotten to comprehend, that there is no victory, only defeat; or as the Pope might say, da feet. (I dunno, if that’s the best we can do, maybe their point of view is self-fulfilling.)

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