This comment by JohnnyWalker123 over at Unz is one I want to be able to recall, in relation to statements from a treacherous white woman*:
If you read between the lines, here’s what she’s saying:
-Non-Whites (especially Blacks) are gaining the upper hand in America and ascending to power.
-Whites (especially White males) are on the losing side of a Civil War.
-This White mom wants her young White sons to become abandon their losing team (Team White) and join the winning team (Team Non-White).
-By becoming an “ally” of Team Non-White, her sons can survive and thrive in this new social order. Meanwhile, more traditional Whites will be marginalized, both socially and economically.
To put it more simply, this mom wants to throw other White people under the bus, in the process enriching herself and her sons. She’s declaring that her family are “Good Whites” who should be given cool jobs and be allowed to live in peace. If the protesters want to harass and beat up anyone, they should target “Bad Whites.”
This woman isn’t attacking her sons. This woman is attacking YOUR sons.
The White sled is being pursued by a pack of hungry Black wolves. So this woman is throwing YOUR sons out to be torn to pieces, sparing her own progeny.
Back during WWII, Nazis conquered France. Some French chose to collaborate, forming the pro-govt Vichy govt. Some French fought back, forming the French Resistance. Those in the Vichy govt were “allies” of Germans, helping them to persecute the French Resistance. In return, French Vichy “allies” were allowed to live their live in peace and prosperity.
In today’s America, Jews and Blacks are Nazis. White Democrats and White Cuckservative are supporters of the Vichy regime. Trump supporters are the French resistance.
This mom is declaring she wants her sons to grow up to be supporters of the Vichy regime, as it’s the most pragmatic choice.
During WWII (2020), a Nazi (Jewish) news columnist wrote an an interesting article in the Das Reich newspaper (New York Times). The Nazi (Jew) favorably portrayed a Vichy collaborationist (woke White Democrat) mother, while spitting vitriol at her stepfather, who’s a supporter of the French Resistance (anti-PC Conservatism).
That rings true, but the one issue, the fly in the ointment as it were, is that she is not losing her sons to a somewhat related foreign tribe that happens to be ruling the land today, but is deferring to an largely uncivilized segment of society that wants her and her kids dead and the memory that she ever even existed wiped out.
Later, JohnnyWalker123 notes in relation to the Simpson’s Kent Brockman immediately becoming allied with the impending “ant invaders”:
At this point, White Gentiles have a choice.
- Fight back against their Jewish&Black overlords, risking their job, reputation, finances, and even their physical safety.
- Collaborate and become an “ally.” Help the Jewish&Black overlords to crush their White Conservatives enemies. In the process, get rewarded with a good job, status, and a safe life.
- Stay silent and see what happens.
This woman is openly declaring that she’s collaborating with the insects. She will help the insects capture you. Then she (and her sons) will go on to good lives, while you toil in the underground sugar cave.
There probably isn’t any group more attuned to the phrase “black lives matter” than black people, and that hasn’t exactly worked out for them (as many of the smarter ones are starting to realize).
*Several other commentors there note that there is a really good chance this woman doesn’t even exist.
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